May 2, 2017
Paper presentation at Department of Economics, Madurai Kamaraj University
Opportunities, Challenges and Issues of Women in Agriculture Dr A.Anitha, Head & Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Senthamari College of Arts & Science, Madurai Abstract “When women are empowered and can claim their rights and access to land, leadership, opportunities and choices, economies grow, food security is enhanced and prospects are improved.

May 2, 2017
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
A Surveillance of Clustering Multi Represented Objects M.Parvathi, Head, Dept of Computer Applications, Senthamarai College of Arts and Science, Madurai, India 625016 Dr. S. Thabasu Kannan, Principal, Pannai College of Engineering and Technology, Sivagangai, India 63056 Abstract Recent technological advances have tremendously increased the amount of collected data.