Seminar on the topic “Recent Trends in Mathematics” by Dr. S. V. Padmavathi
Events / Seminar on the topic “Recent Trends in Mathematics” by Dr. S. V. Padmavathi
Seminar on the topic “Recent Trends in Mathematics” by Dr. S. V. Padmavathi
January 12, 2020
10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
S5 Hall
Department of Mathematics under the Wisdom Association has conducted a Seminar on the topic “Recent Trends in Mathematics” on 13.01.2020.
Dr. S. V. Padmavathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Saraswathi Narayanan College, Madurai, was the resource person.
Mr. R. Premkumar, Head of the Department of Mathematics, has introduced the Chief Guest.
The Resource Person, Dr. S. V. Padmavathi, briefly delivered her lecture about some definitions of graph theory with solved examples. She encouraged the students to understand the concepts like walk, path, trial and so on. The students keenly observed the concepts and worked out the examples.